How We Help.
We believe in a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body and spirit.
You may have little hope when entering Tara Treatment Center. You likely need to develop faith in something other than alcohol and/or drugs.
Our programs are spiritual in nature and help many to re-establish their faith.
By incorporating concepts of the 12-step programs, evidence based therapy and psycho-educational components, you will begin a journey of spiritual, mental and emotional wellness.

Our Levels of Care.
This level of care is provided when you experience withdrawal symptoms resulting from extended alcohol and/or other drug use. You are monitored on a 24-hour basis by licensed medical staff. In order to provide a safe and effective detoxification, American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria is used. Once you are medically stable, you are ready to begin the next phase of treatment.
This consists of 24-hour programming at separate locations for men and women. It incorporates therapeutic processing and education for you and your family. This unique blend of therapy, education and 12-step support helps you change established thinking and behavioral patterns to support long-term abstinence. This level of care is typically 30 to 42 days, depending on your specific needs.
Transitional Residential
This program is reserved for individuals who complete our Residential Program. It provides continued support and stabilization before returning home.
Outpatient Services
We provide Intensive Outpatient (IOP), Outpatient, Aftercare and Education services. IOP meets on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for nine weeks. The Outpatient, Aftercare, and Education Programs are held in conjunction with IOP.
At this level, you continue to work on strategies for maintaining the progress that you have gained in other levels of care. Relapse prevention strategies such as early identification of warning signs, coping skills and peer evaluation are addressed. This group meets one time per week.
This eight-hour program focuses on gaining a basic understanding of decision-making, the effects of specific drugs and alcohol and the differences between abuse and dependency. This level of care is provided if you are exhibiting signs of alcohol or drug abuse.
Our Program Features.
Our program began in a home, and we have continued to maintain that environment and culture at both locations. Unlike a hospital setting, our environment helps nurture the healing process.
Your treatment at Tara will be delivered by a team of professionals representing many disciplines including nurses, physicians, psychologists and addiction counselors. This multi-disciplinary team allows Tara to meet your specific needs while recovering and moving forward.
Our treatment program is holistic in nature - focusing on various approaches to help individuals learn the concepts of recovery while healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Our Relapse Prevention Therapy (RPT) is modeled after Terence Gorski, an internationally recognized expert on substance abuse treatment and best known for his contribution to relapse prevention. It is designed to aid you in recognizing and managing your core personality and lifestyle. This mindfulness and self-awareness increase your understanding of the impact of your addiction and can lead you to create a life without the pain of the addiction.
Using various strategies, counselors educate you on the basic and advanced concepts of addiction and recovery, anger management, relationship dynamics, coping strategies, vocational skills, as well as many other important facets vital to the success of their recovery.
We have s a rich history of treating individuals and their families. Our program is designed to address the challenges of family dynamics. We provide opportunities for you to connect with your loved ones and begin to heal relationships.
Family members will be permitted to visit with you bi-weekly. We encourage everyone who has been impacted by addiction and is seeking support, to improve relationships among the family unit.
Our highly qualified therapists help you emotionally process many of the feelings involved in early recovery. We use many different approaches for treatment. Specifically, Tara provides the following three well-regarded and proven therapies:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This is directed toward problem-solving and teaching skills that are needed to modify thinking and behavior.
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is a behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy method that focuses on helping people find their own motivation for changing undesirable behaviors.
Gestalt Therapy
This therapeutic approach focuses on the here and now. It helps you understand what is happening in the present rather than what you perceive to be happening based on experience. It leads you to view your life through a clearer lens.
We recognize that treatment and recovery is a dynamic learning process. We utilize many team-building and recovery concepts. These groups help you express feelings that may not come easily in formal “talk therapy.” These group exercises are taught by trained team-building facilitators. Here are some examples of these activities:
Equine-Assisted Therapy
This group process uses horses as a tool to teach recovery skills. These exercises are conducted by Equine Growth and Learning Association (EGALA) certified instructors.
Yoga and 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR)
The combination of yoga with addiction counseling services creates a model that truly addresses addiction as the physical, mental and spiritual disease that it is.
Art Therapy
Utilizing art as a means of self-expression, you tap into your creative mind and in doing so, learn to enjoy things again. Enjoyment and hobbies are valued skills in recovery.
What is Possible.
On average, across four weeks of treatment, our clients experience:
Quality of Life
A Typical Day.
Our schedule is structured to include: Counseling, Group Sessions, Recreation, Fellowship and Free Time. Actual schedules vary from day to day.
7:30 a.m. - Morning Meditation
8 a.m. - Breakfast
9:30 a.m. - Morning Group
11:45 a.m. - Lunch/Fellowship
12:30 p.m. - Counseling Session
2 p.m. - Afternoon Group
3 p.m. - Education Session
5:15 p.m. - Dinner
6 p.m. - Personal/Recreation Time
7 p.m. - AA Meeting/Alumni Presentation
10 p.m. - Study/Quiet Time
Make Today the Day.
Are you ready to make today the day to get healthy? Are you committed to regain control of your life?
We begin with a free assessment of you and your addiction, using the American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria. We will identify your needs and determine your appropriate level of care.
Their Words.
This place was amazing! I got so much out of Tara! I took so many coping skills for life in recovery.
Just do it. If you need help beyond your own ability to stay sober, you will be shown love even if you don't love yourself.
Amazing staff and very organized... For yourself, friends and loved ones, this is worth it...